In the aftermath of a devastating tragedy, Rion D’arcy is left with nothing but the shattered pieces of a broken heart and a haunting array of unanswered questions. Despite the unwavering support at his side, the ache for solace consumes him.

With the help of friends, both new and old, Rion vows to enact his revenge. He is forced to confront the haunting decisions of his past so that those he loves may have a chance for a better future.

However, all is not what it seems.

Can Rion stop the looming darkness before it is too late? Or will the day burn bright with truths he never wanted to face?

Trigger and Content


This book is intended only for those 18+

  • Graphic Sexual Content

  • Alcohol Use (Recreational and Coping)

  • Loss of Loved One

  • Grief

  • Mentions of Past Child Abuse (Physical and Verbal)

  • Depictions of Gore/Blood

  • Body Dismemberment

  • Depictions of Torture

  • Profanity/Adult Language

  • Insecure Thoughts by MMC

  • PTSD

  • Depression

  • Suicidal Ideation

  • Death

Listen up.

The best playlists curate the best books, so check out this one I made for The Day Burns Bright!